While you are super hot and in super good shape, there are so many more important things that make you amazing! I'm also totally guilty of punishing myself and wrapping up my self worth in physical appearance. Any of my goals based in negativity have never stuck.

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It’s odd how being kind to ourselves is the hardest thing to do, but boy do I suffer from that too. Definitely working on letting some of that love I have for others flow my own way on occasion as well. I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated your posts and looking forward to more in the next year!

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This. So much.

I am awful about resolutions. I’d like to say it’s just awful when it comes to sticking to them, but it’s really making resolutions that are too big or broad. “Lose weight,” “Write a book,” “Eat healthier,” etc. My goals need to be more narrowly tailored and… periodic? Not sure that’s the right word, but basically something filled with little goals. Write a book is like getting in the best shape of your life. You push yourself, lose sleep, neglect the family, eat badly, and just overdo it for the sake of a resolution. It takes the enjoyment and purpose out and just makes it something to check off a to-do list. I’m glad you’ve got the knowledge now to see what happened and are willing to share it with us (and working out is definitely not my favorite thing to do, so now you got me thinking of how to approach it for the coming year).

I also want to say this: your blog has absolutely changed my perspective when it comes to my aims for 2023. The whole idea of small goals and small victories that you have mentioned is my way of life now, creatively speaking. It’s no longer about finishing the book - it’s about spending one solid hour on it today. Then maybe another solid hour on later this week. Even if it’s just rewriting a few paragraphs, it’s one hour of total focus. And this resolution post is another way to further that mindset. My goal isn’t to finish the book. It’s to devote 3 hours a week to the book. If I finish, great! If not, okay. As long as I carved out the time for it, then I gave it the most attention I could and just forced myself to have time purely for creativity (and hey, maybe I get in the groove to go more than 3 hours).

Your blog has not only guided me, but given me accountability. I actually find myself thinking of what you’ve said when I hit an “I don’t feel like writing…” moment. Sometimes it works, sometimes laziness prevails. But I’m trying hard not to beat myself up about it when I don’t succeed - that part is a work in progress.

So thanks for that and keep on writing! It’s a highlight of my week getting the email that you wrote something

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It makes me so happy to read this. You just made my day. And that's the perfect way to approach your goal, because even if you don't finish the book in 2023, you still have a year's worth of progress you may not have made otherwise.

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